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Sixth Lesson
Primera Parte
Auxiliar Gastronómico II Edición
Libros de Cuba
Esta es la “Sixth Lesson”, o Lección Sexta, del diccionario gastronómico del español al inglés tal y como aparece en la “Primera Parte” del libro “Auxiliar Gastronómico: II Edición” editado en La Habana, Cuba. Tratamos de mantener el formato original. Presentamos el texto lo más fiel posible a como aparece en el libro, efectuando menores arreglos en la acentuación y ortografía tratando de no alterar el estilo original.
“Whose table is this? Mine. This is my table, and that one is yours.
Whose clothes are those? Those clothes are mine.
Whose purse is this? Hers. Her purse.
Whose food is this? Ours. Our food.
Whose wine is that? Theirs. That is their wine.
Whose hat is this? His. His hat.
I have my wine, you have your beer, he has his food, she has her coffee, and we have our fruit.
Which pencil have you? I have my own, you have yours, he has his, she has hers, we have ours, and they have theirs.”
Substitution exercises
Have you got: a dollar? a pencil? a fountain-pen? a silver dollar? a five dollar-bill? a dollar-bill? a cigarette? a match? |
Nota: En los Estados Unidos se usó mucho 'Have you got?' (Tiene Ud.?) en vez de 'Do you have?' o 'Have you?' |
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