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Seventh Lesson
Primera Parte
Auxiliar Gastronómico II Edición
Libros de Cuba
Esta es la “Seventh Lesson”, o Lección Séptima, del diccionario gastronómico del español al inglés tal y como aparece en la “Primera Parte” del libro “Auxiliar Gastronómico: II Edición” editado en La Habana, Cuba. Tratamos de mantener el formato original. Presentamos el texto lo más fiel posible a como aparece en el libro, efectuando menores arreglos en la acentuación y ortografía tratando de no alterar el estilo original.
“Are you Mr. Simpson? Yes; I am, and he is Mr. Anderson.
Are you Mrs. Spencer? No; I am not. She is Mrs. Spencer. I am Mrs. Brown.
Are you Miss Lolita del Rio? Yes; I am, and this young lady is my sister.
Who are you? I am your friend. Are you a friend of mine? Yes; I am.
Who is he? He is the boss; he is not my boss, he is your boss, but not mine.
Are you our waiter? Yes, sir; I am your waiter.
Is this our wine? Yes, madam; this is your wine.
I am a man. We are men. She is a girl. We are friends. We are sisters. We are brothers. We are cousins.
This is my wife. That is your husband. Those are your sons, and these are my daughters.”
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