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Fifth Lesson
Primera Parte
Auxiliar Gastronómico II Edición
Libros de Cuba
Esta es la “Fifth Lesson”, o Lección Quinta, del diccionario gastronómico del español al inglés tal y como aparece en la “Primera Parte” del libro “Auxiliar Gastronómico: II Edición” editado en La Habana, Cuba. Tratamos de mantener el formato original. Presentamos el texto lo más fiel posible a como aparece en el libro, efectuando menores arreglos en la acentuación y ortografía tratando de no alterar el estilo original.
“What do you want? I want my fountain-pen, and my writing-paper.
What does she want? She wants her hat, and her gloves.
What does he want? He does not want anything, but she wants something. What does she want? She wants her purse.
What do they want? They want their dinner, but they do not want you to wait on their table.
Has anybody my fountain-pen? Nobody has your fountain-pen, but somebody has your writing-paper.
Has anybody a pencil? Nobody has a pencil, but somebody has a fountain-pen.
Which pen have they? They have our pen, we have theirs, and your brother has his.
Who has my overcoat? Your wife has it, and she has your hat, too.
I have my copy-book, you have yours, he has his, she has hers, we have ours, and they have theirs.”
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