Caraira (Caracara cheriway) en las Aves de Cuba.

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Aves de Cuba

Caracara cheriway

Caracara cheriway se asigna a la familia Falconidae del orden Falconiformes.

Nombres dados en Cuba a Caracara cheriway:


Citas y notas de la Caraira (Caracara cheriway):

Stotz, et al.. 1996.

En Cuba la registra como: Especie que anida.

Bond, James. 1993.

Similar a sus observaciones de 1971.

Bond, James. 1971.

En su distribución incluye a Cuba e Isla de Pinos.

Barbour, Thomas. 1943.

Similar a sus notas de 1923.

Franganillo Balboa. 1941.

“CARAIRA. -Las plumas del vértice forman una especie de moño y son morenas, como también las de las alas, lomo, flancos, muslos y vientre. La garganta y las cobijas de la cola son leonadas. El pico es azuloso cla­ro, la cera y la cara anaranjadas; los pies, pálido-anaranjados. Su nombre técnico es Polyborus Auduboni (Fig. 135).

“La Caraira prefiere la carne fresca a la podrida; ataca a las aves heridas y a los polluelos.

“Irritada, la Caraira lanza un grito fino. Se ha dado a la Caraira el nombre de rey de los Auras. Esta creencia proviene de que la Caraira gusta de la carne fresca, y por eso acude enseguida a los cadáveres; mientras que las Auras esperan cerca a que éstos se pudran, porque pre­fieren la carroña.

“La Caraira forma su nido de ramas y hierbas secas, poniéndole en los árboles o en palmas altas. Pa­rece que anidan dos veces al año.

“Longitud del macho, 518 mm.; de la hembra, 628.”

Fig 135 - Caraira. Caracara cheriway en Franganillo Balboa. 1941.

Barbour, Thomas. 1923.

Nombre científico: “Polyborus cheriway auduboni” Cassin
Nombre en inglés: “Audubon's Caracara”, “Mexican Buzzard”
Nombre en Cuba: “Caraira”

Lo designa como: “The Caraira is probably as abundant now as it ever was. Living in scattered pairs, and preferring open grazing lands to forest, it has a greater range than formerly. The sugar plantations perforce maintain large cattle ranches, as all cane still is hauled from the field to mill or railway by bulls. Thousands of head of cattle are raised for the Havana market, as well.

“The Cubans call the Caracara the King of the Buzzards (Rey de las Auras), because when a beast dies it is first to arrive and usually feeds alone. As a matter of fact its powerful beak and an undoubted preference for fresh meat, account adequately for this habit. The Buzzard is not powerful, and prefers, and can tear up easily, only meat which is softened by decay.

“I have several times seen Carairas chase large birds. Gundlach once saw one chase, tire out and kill a White Ibis. In dry weather they frequent pools, and feed voraciously upon the dead and dying fish.

“The flight is crow-like, direct, fast and with heavy noisy flappings. Gundlach notes that when frightened or irritated it gives a high-pitched shriek, but I believe that observation was made from Gundlach's famous pet which he raised from the nest and kept for fifteen years. The Caracara habitually rests perching, usually in the very top of a high tree or on some steep hillock. Often in the morning, or before sundown, it throws back its head until it almost touches its shoulders and gives its high, cackling cry which gave rise to the Brazilian name of Caracara, the Cuban Caraira, and the less apt Argentine name of Carancho.

“The nest, which I have seen but once, near Palo Alto, was among parasitic plants in a high tree. Gundlach says this is the usual site, but that palms sometimes are chosen. As with so many Cuban birds, the nesting season varies, and eggs have been found in November, December and March.

“My specimens from Cuba and the Isle of Pines differ in no wise from mainland examples collected from Florida to Panama.”

Por favor visite la bibliografía general si necesita más datos en las fuentes usadas.

Otras referencias de la Caraira (Caracara cheriway):

En Las Aves de El Zoológico Electrónico:

El Carancho Norteño (Caracara cheriway) en el orden Falconiformes

La Caraira (Caracara cheriway) en la Web:
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Aves de Cuba en la familia de la Caraira (Caracara cheriway):

Caraira (Caracara cheriway)

Cernícalo (Falco sparverius)

Halcón de Patos (Falco peregrinus)

Halconcito de Palomas (Falco columbarius)

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